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Bag for Mama
Grippy Socks: The hospital usually provides socks with the grippy part on the bottom, but I always liked having my own. These are the ones that I packed and loved. You don’t want to spend too much money, but you do want to get a pack because chances are, you might end up throwing away one or two pairs.
Robe: I chose to use the hospital gown provided during labor and delivery, but once they get you situated in your room it’s nice to have your own one to put on. This one is nice because it is cotton, a little bit longer and has room to wrap around. The robes that are the silkier materials tend to not stay in place and if you have people visiting, you don’t want to be worrying about something slipping off.
Nursing Bra: This is a must and these are so comfortable! I always packed a couple because spills happen.
Hair ties: Make sure you have something that you can get your hair up. I never liked clips because when you lay back in bed sometimes they are not comfortable, but it is personal preference.
Sound Machine: Hospitals get noisy and sleeping can be a joke, so having a noise machine can help you and baby get some rest. I also used this sound machine all the time on the go when my kids were little.
Extra Long Phone Chargers: Sometimes the plugs are far away from the bed and it’s a pain to have to continually get up so those extra long cords are a must. Make sure you pack a couple in case your partner needs one too!
Pajamas/ Lounge Set: This is a personal preference. I liked to feel like I was semi dressed if people were coming to visit, but sometimes staying in a robe is easier to do bathroom trips. Your call, but these sets are amazing!
Postpartum Kit: Some hospitals supply everything you need. Some don’t. Sometimes you might not like that is provided. The Mom Frida Kit is amazing and the ice packs are a life saver. I highly recommend using them!
Postpartum Bloomers: I swear by these. I used them for all 3 postpartum periods and I loved them. It is also nice because they are wide enough to have a pad fit perfectly.
Toiletries :Taking a shower when you can is a must. You will feel like a new person!
Snacks are necessary for you and your partner. Especially in those long nights when you are working on nursing your baby. You will be starving. These are some of the ones that I kept on hand: RX bars, Justin’s Classic Almond Butter Packets, and Bare Baked Variety Pack.
Water Bottle: Drinking is a must so make sure you have a good water bottle. I personally like ice cold water so I always need the ones that keep ice forever.
Bag for Baby
Outfits: You probably won’t need more than 2-3 outfits. During your hospital stay, especially if you have other littles at home, I suggest doing as much skin on skin time as possible. But it is so fun to have that going home outfit ready to go!
Swaddle Blanket: The hospitals do provide them however it is personal preference. Some people like to use their own stuff. If you don’t care, then you can skip this because you don’t want to pack things you won’t need.
Pacifiers: If you are choosing to use pacifiers then throw them in your bag. My husband and I chose to use them for all three of our kiddos and none of them had nipple confusion. Once again, it’s personal preference. Some people feel comfortable with them, others don’t. These are the ones that all three of my kids loved.
Boppy: This makes nursing so much easier. Game changer for sure!
Bag for Your Partner
Something to do (ex: switch, reading a book, etc)
Couple changes of clothes
Before you Run Out the Door
Insurance info
Makeup (if you want, I never did)
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Baby Car Seat
Hope this list helps and makes packing a little bit less stressful!