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I have heard it so many times, “I lost my butt when I became a mom!” Although it is very common, we should not normalize it. As a mom, it is so easy to put everyone’s needs above our own. However, by doing that, our own health can suffer which in turn can impact our families. Having the “mom butt” is problematic because it is an indication that you hold a lot of tension in your glutes aka squeezing your butt. Pay attention to what you do: Do you squeeze it when you’re standing? Do you squeeze it when you are doing the dishes? If you find that you do, make a conscience effort to relax it. I have to do this constantly, especially when I am doing the dishes.
It is also an indication that you have a weak core.
Good news is that is fixable!
How to Work on that Mom Butt
It is important to also know that you don’t have to be in the gym for countless hours. It is possible to get your body strengthened as long as you are consistent.
I use these and these bands ALL the times. They are the best things to throw in a bag if you are traveling too!
Set your timer and do each exercise for 45-55 seconds and then rest the remainder of that minute. Then move on to the next exercise. If you are short on time, do it two times through. If you have a few extra minutes, do 3-4 times! In 10-20 minutes you can be on your way to feeling stronger!
Banded Deadlifts
Put the band around your ankles and step your feet out so that you feel resistance. Inhale into your ribs, exhale and slide your hands down your legs to your shins. Using your glute muscles pull yourself back to standing. Inhale. Repeat.
Banded Lateral Booty Walk
These are great to work the side of that booty (glute minimus). The lower you go the more you will feel it burn. Make sure that you are engaging your core. I like the exhale each time I step my foot out. You can go back and forth or you can go a few steps each way.
Banded Glute Bridges
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Inhale into your rib cage and relax. Exhale draw your transverse abs in (the inner muscles under your 6 pack abs) and push into your heels and squeeze your glutes as you raise them up. For added tension you can add a band above your knees. Inhale lower down and repeat.
Banded Clam Shells
Another burner for that side booty! Put your band above your knees, lie on your side, with your knees bent. You can either be propped up on your elbow or lie down completely. Inhale relax, and as you exhale lift your top leg. You can do 30 seconds full range of motion and then do tiny pulses at the top. For another challenge you can lift your feet off the ground and keep them raised while you raise your top leg.
Banded Kickbacks
These are great to work the glute medius! Put your band around your ankles and find something to hold on to for support. Remember to engage that core! Lean forward a little bit and on the exhale lift that leg as high as you can. For an extra challenge, keep it up and do tiny pulses after doing some full range of motion ones!
Bonus- One Leg Glute Bridge
Set up the same way as you would for a glute bridge, however this time raise one foot to the sky. Inhale and relax. Exhale into your ribcage and using the foot on the ground push up as you engage your booty. Do 30 seconds on each side and I guarantee you will feel this one!
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